(Bear with me as I try to be purely objective here, since I'm a David Archuleta fan. I just love him! Hahaha! But anyways, here it goes)...
David ArchuletaAnd So It Goes - Paula chose a song for him that is kind of Josh Groban-esque. I love the haunting vibe and the beautiful orchestraic performance, but it saddens me that Paula gave him this very uncontemporary piece. This is limiting him and giving him a stereotype that he can only sing ballads, which I believe is very false.
With You - Vocally it was sung on the note, but what is missing here is attitude
and choreography. At the first part he fumbled on the words and his moves weren't fit for the song. David still doesn't have that level of confidence to sing these types of songs. Maybe if he did a little moonwalk and used the same hand gestures he did in "Stand By Me" then I think he had the potential to steal this round. An alternate RnB that he could've sang are songs by Ne-yo, like "So Sick" or "Because of You". It has no awkward-exclusively-for-black-people lyrics (boo, shawty, hot li'l figure), and the tune is simple, so maybe he can inject his runs.
Longer - I cannot criticize him for song choice, because he did his best with what was given to him. A rehearsal staff said that David wanted to sing the song on a different tempo and melody but the producers prohibited him. It just shows that he is trying his best to make the song his own--but the producers stopped him from doing so. What the heck was that?
Last words: David got the bum
deal with the judges and producer's choice--two sappy ballads? I think it wasn't fair on his part. However, I'm also very disappointed with how he delivered his choice as well. I was expecting to be blown away, but sadly, I wasn't.=(
Syesha Mercado
If I Ain't Got You - She sang it very we
ll, and it was expected of her. I think she looks very gorgeous too. Being nitpicky, I think she didn't hit the note on "and I DON'T, want nothing at all".
But overall, she did a really good job. She's my favorite female contestant on Idol, too.
Fever - If she wan't on Idol, I think it was a very, very nic
e performance. But sadly, AI is not a broadway-slash-Pussycat Dolls
audition. Vocally, she did well, but the song choice is a mistake.
Hit Me Up - She gave her best of what was given to her. But I think it didn't make her shine--looks like a kiss of death performance for me. It's just one of those performances that you really forget. I wish the producers gave her really something to sing about. This is an awful decision on the producers' part. I feel the same as I did for Archuleta.
Last Words: Syesha did her best and I think she is a great performer. But like David Archuleta, she got a bum dea
l from the song choices.

David Cook
First Time I Ever Saw Your Face - This is my favorite performance from him that night. I think it was very touching and I loved the arrangement. Vocally, he was off-key on some parts and his falsettos were in the wrong places--but it's David Cook! He has the stage presence that will make the audiences
forget those flaws.
Dare You to Move - This should've been a good song for him, but for me, it was okay. The way I see it, this performance was rushed and it seemed to me that he did his best on the other two songs.
I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - He got the best producer's choice. I wonder if he's the producer's favorite? Hahaha.:) Okay, objective, objective. I think he did equally great as on the First Time I Ever Saw Your Face. He always starts slow, picks up, then hits the glory note on the end, which I think was indeed expected of him. I agree with Simon, he won the night.
Last words: Cook did an awesome job. I think it was partly on the producers' and Simon's choice. Well, good for him. I know that he and Archuleta will be on the finals. May the best David win!