Monday, January 02, 2006

Things I will miss (schools tomorrow) -__-;;

1. Christmas & New Year Season
2. Hot Lunches - I mean literally 'hot'. I rarely eat hot lunches because we have our lunches packed and they get all cold and cubed up inside the plastic, I will miss my hot lunches. u__u;
3. Party Food - who will not miss this stuff....
4. My friends in CCF - I won't see them every 6 days a week because Youth Worship was moved to Sunday @ 12...
5. Sleeping - I will miss these so much!!
6. Going out - I will probably stay at home all the time
7. Blogging - it's more likely I will blog less and less.. :-(
8. The vacation

And probably a lot more things I can't think about right at this moment. If I could wish something, maybe it's to send someone who looked like me to go to school for me. xD I don't want to go to school....probably there are a few people I miss and I wish too see, but hey, there's YM and friendster so why bother?

I know I can't complain about going to school. There are so many underprivileged who are desiring to go to school so bad and here I am, complaining about how school "sucked". But hey, I know I can get through this. Just for the sake of studying! Just for the sake of excelling in academics and school-related activities. I don't need my popularity there, I don't need attention nor recognition there. Heck, I don't even need friends there if they are not real. I can count by my fingers who of those people in school are dearest to my heart.

So, bye blogger. I'll miss writing you very often. I'll miss vacation. Three months and I will be the happiest person alive. :)


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