Saturday, January 07, 2006

Wanting it all

People generally want everything in life. They want to be financially secured, to have a family, to have a house and a car, to have a good job and to live "The Life". For the typical teenager, what they want is plain simple: the attention, the love of those special people around them, and of course, to live "The Life". People try to dream it big when they see the super-famous celebrities in the TV, whereas they are being blinded in the fact that no life is a perfect life. They think that worldly success is what they need to quench their desires. For so many years, people have come and gone. Some have reached the peak of the world to see disappointment upon what it has to offer. They haven't testified enough. Most individuals nowadays still want to experience that wordly peak, and what they don't know is there is, and there will always be something missing.

Me? I used to like attention. I used to like it when people come and notice me. I used to like the concern they give me. I used to like it when I feel special around them. And when I don't get it, I pursue a contest, a hobby, or do something to myself to get noticed again. I was always thinking of an unrealistic statement, that I can please everyone. I can make them like me. My dreams were so self-centered, and attention has become a drug that I need to accumulate every now and then. And what happens when I don't get it? I pity myself. I look to other people and think that my situation is unfair compared to them. I get bitter and angry for a selfish reason.

More so when people bring me down. More so when they mock me, and think that they are better than me. More so when they try to overpower something that I have to just for the sake of taking it away from me. But now, I decided to give it up. I can't be perfectly happy in this life. I can't have all the things I want. When I look to other people, I have the tendency to think that she is better than me. But I know God will give me something better, something that I need more. I do not need to force myself to pursue something I'm really not meant for. I do not need to cheat my way on it, or do something that will get me to do it in a dishonest way. My conscience will kill me. And God knows the agenda of my heart.

I try to shake away jealousy and envy away from my heart. I try not to compare myself to other people. What do I need more? I have the most significant thing in the world, and that is the knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus. Jesus already saved me because He knew that my life here on earth is temporary. He knew that my desires for earthly things will do no good to me.

You know what everybody needs on this earth? Contentment. I have watched an environmental advertisement and it has a quote that said,

"The earth can satisfy our need, but it can't satisfy our greed."

I realized that this does not go just for environmental causes but also for the general desires of all the people in this planet. Those of which are the material things that they think will make them feel complete. Greed is a black ink that stains our heart. When it enters into our lives, we can't see any other good thing. It overpowers all the wonderful colors that used to be in our hearts. No matter how much other color we put in, the blackness of greed consumes them all up. That explains why we have no place for greed in our hearts. You want to be complete? Turn back to Jesus. He will sustain your every need and will grant you things you never imagined. Maybe not a new car. Maybe not the prettiest face. Maybe not a million-dollar check. Or maybe not the attention and praise you want from everybody. Ask Him to grant you contentment. And keep in mind that in short years, earthly things will perish. What you need is to let God take control of your life.

But seek first God's Kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

He will provide. He will provide all the way. All we need is to seek Him, and everything else will follow.


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