Friday, January 13, 2006

Give up

Keep dragging but I'll keep climbing.

No matter how many times you bash and make comedy out of our faith, you will not get us. No matter how many times you try to stomp down, belittling our beliefs and convictions, I know His hand will protect us.
[I remembered this one incident that we were asked to perform something out of our favorite song. Us three did a dance number out of Israel and New Breed's song, "You are Good". I knew they danced this in the joint worship last August of 2005. And I was so happy to make something out of a Christian song here in school. Since it was just a short-prepared performance, we still did well. After that, we went back to our seats and the boys shouted, "Kinarir!! Kinarir!!" I know I had to say nothing else but I can't take this crap anymore. And each time I remember that event, it still hurts. It still hurts that they do not respect us for who we are. This is mainly one of the reasons I hated going to school when I found out people my age who are actually enjoying their walk with God. There are a lot of hurtful instances and they are too many to tell. I know this is part of being a Christian, but who are they making fun of? Isn't it The One who created them? Sick, sick, sick. And to know that one of those people are the ones we invited to the youth? Sick, insensitive, and utter hypocrites.]
I am weak externally but I know who guards my heart.
So give up. Taunt all you want. Like a blank wall, it will just bounce off and even hit your face. God will take care of me.


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